Sunday, February 14, 2016

I have been very negligent about posting to my blog for the past few months. No real excuse. But have been busy learning JavaScript and designing a few patterns.

Since Odie’s sweater I have made curtain tie backs and just completed a commission project for 2 baby afghans, bunny beanie and diaper cover.
The afghans are about 36” square and a basic diagonal block (C2C) pattern stitch, with a wide border of single crochet, extended double crochet and modified rice stitch. See below. Color sequences are 4 white/2 blue, increase through row 48, beginning decrease with row 49 and 5 pink/2 grey/2 pink/2 grey increase through row 47, beginning decrease with row 48.
The bunny hat and diaper cover are pictured below as well. The pattern can be found in my Craftsy store at: