Sunday, April 17, 2016

Am in the process of designing a sock pattern.  Have done a great deal of research centered around foot measurements, basic sock designs, and heel designs.  There are a lot of great ideas and sources available to assist with making a sock, so research, research and try, try until you get the result you want.

My design is an accumulation of ideas and not completely formulated yet, but do have the start finalized for a toe up pattern.  At this point calculating various size stitch counts.  

Haven't made a sock nor slipper for over 30 years, so should be interesting as I progress through the process.  My foot and my daughter's foot are the current models.  

Making more of a "house" sock/slipper type than a regular wearing sock for the template, will be easy to adjust with my calculations, so when done will be something for any "type" of sock wanted.  

Stay tuned for updates.

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