Saturday, March 24, 2018

Pineapple shawl pattern

Happy Saturday, everyone.

Finally, (I think) have my pineapple shawl pattern roughed.  Going to type it over the next couple of days, then test it doing a smaller pineapple shawl using same yarn.  Will be Mother/Daughter set.

Suggestion, everyone  "...row 5~"  etc notes when designing aren't really good to use for a triangle shawl pattern with increases!  You don't have a good "repeat" count.  Found this especially true doing my pineapple shawl which starts with 4 and ends with 14.  Pineapples are staggered as started before one is closed you open another on the side.  So end up with different counts as you go along. 

A pattern for someone else to use needs to be more detailed and clearer; I can use the abbreviated pattern I did as I went along put have done lots to pineapple things so know the stitching sequences.

For those that haven't seen the shawl, I have posted a picture below:

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