Sunday, September 16, 2018

Laptop Sleeve and Slipper

Boy, time has flown by.  Busy modeling ideas for a scarf my niece wants for a Christmas gift, as well as finishing my laptop sleeve and daughter's slipper.  Also made another mop cover and finalized my pattern have 2 of these to do before long.   Will work on scarf for my niece and do my daughter's other slipper, then mop covers.  One goes to my niece so will mail with scarf.

Slipper picture below.  Am real pleased with how it turned out,  The second one will go much faster as have the pattern written so won't be taking out and redoing, measuring to fit, etc. 

Laptop sleeve picture below, put a front flap with buttonhole so can put a button on it, I won't but have it written in the pattern for future reference.

My crocheting time is limited right now so takes me longer to get a project done.  Don't expect that to change in the near future,  

Crochet On!

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