Friday, January 25, 2019

Crochet - Baby Afghan

Have finished my baby afghan my daughter wants for a friend.  Real please with how it came out

Used diagonal block for the body, then did a round of extended single crochet, round of extended double crochet and final round of (sc, ch2, sc in next).  So made a nice border and not "girly" as we found out the baby will be a boy.

Used a total of about 2210 yards (1105 of each color) and about 34 inches square

The edging is difficult to see in the picture, but after trying several angles, etc. this one seemed the best.  Real happy with it, so is my daughter.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Crocheted Butterfly Towel Topper

Finished 1 set of butterfly towel toppers.  They were a struggle from stitch 1.  There was no reason for it, only difference was yarn color, used exact same hooks and my Fudge Towel Topper pattern but fought every stitch on these.  Just bad crochet day I guess.  Didn't get them hung straight and laid straight when took the pictures so look kind of off balance.

Overall am pretty pleased with them, and more importantly my daughter loves them.

Crochet On!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Crocheted Baby Afghan

We found out the baby will be a boy over the weekend.  Certainly glad I added the blue yarn.  This is double strand - diagonal block (C2C).  Body measures 32 inches square.  Need to measure yarn available before starting edging, but think I'll have enough for a round of extended single crochet, a round of extended double crochet and a rice final round.

Really happy with it.  The colors and texture make a really nice looking article.  Picture isn't very good, next one I'll do where there is different lighting, hopefully that'll show the colors better.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

JRuBee Design Ravelry Store

With my store on Craftsy being closed I have opened one on Ravelry.  Address:

At this time I have posted 5 leg warmer patterns for $0.99 each (or made to order by contacting me at

They are:  Fenced Cable. Double Thick Cable. Large, Medium and Small Spiral

I have also published 1 wine/spirit bottle holder for $0.99 and my free Fudge Towel Topper patterns. 

 More will be published in the coming days.

Quick note on projects:  Baby afghan body about completed, towel topper on butterfly towel first row done on 1 and 30 blocks done on one of the large projects.  Will post pictures in a few days.

Crochet On!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Baby Afghan Update and cost calculation

After battling pneumonia for a little over a week finally picked my hooks up a couple of days ago.  Got approximately half of my yarn used for the baby afghan so started decreasing.  Wanted to be sure I had enough to finish and put an edging on it.  Yarn Chicken not an option!!!!!

Am real happy with the diagonal block (C2C) pattern for this project.  Gives some texture and the yarn colors flow nicely.  Picture doesn't do it justice, however.

Will be allocating my crochet time between this and 2 other projects for the next few days or so.

As I mentioned before was working on a cost calculation to share.  Lost it a couple of times -- didn't save!  But have the shell done.  Image below is the basic shell, will be expanding with appropriate labeling and calculations.  

Some items I don't see mentioned in cost discussion, sales tax and mileage (special trip/across town as part of another trip) miles and IRS 2019 mileage reimbursement rate. For this I just made up a sales tax rate (I don't have it in Oregon) and used roundtrip miles special trip to get yarn for that calculation.  Yarn stats made up for this purpose also.

Snapshot of the shell:  As you can see sales tax and mileage add about 2 cents per yard to the cost.  Mileage is significant at 58 cents per mile, as you can see if I make a special trip to town to get 4 skeins of yarn at 5 dollars each (20 total), mileage is $23.20 and this would be the cost whether I purchased one skein or 100 skeins, doing this for 1 skein would raise the cost for the skein from 5 dollars to 28.20 (not including tax) but purchasing 4 skeins the cost per skein would be 5.80 for a total of 10.80 per skein  (not including tax). Hope to have a spreadsheet available to share within the next few weeks.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Crocheting 2019

Hope your projects are going better than mine.  Cold got worse, went to Doctor to be sure it was pneumonia -- no, really bad cold so gave me a prescription for Sudafed, in Oregon you have to have one to get it because people were clearing the shelves to cook Meth, so took that a couple of days and then I wasn't better I was worse, back to doctor - pneumonia - my cold had turned.  But caught it before it was "hospital" stage.  Whole thing hasn't helped with my crocheting.

Got out the piece I had worked on a day or so ago this morning, and between coughing, spitting, nose blowing looked at what I had done.  WRONG! Needed 6 blocks and had 5, out it came.  Checked several other squares and they were okay - glad I had only done 3 that day!!  Will see if I can get fixed this afternoon, if my nose blowing, spitting and cough settle down some.