Friday, January 4, 2019

Crocheting 2019

Hope your projects are going better than mine.  Cold got worse, went to Doctor to be sure it was pneumonia -- no, really bad cold so gave me a prescription for Sudafed, in Oregon you have to have one to get it because people were clearing the shelves to cook Meth, so took that a couple of days and then I wasn't better I was worse, back to doctor - pneumonia - my cold had turned.  But caught it before it was "hospital" stage.  Whole thing hasn't helped with my crocheting.

Got out the piece I had worked on a day or so ago this morning, and between coughing, spitting, nose blowing looked at what I had done.  WRONG! Needed 6 blocks and had 5, out it came.  Checked several other squares and they were okay - glad I had only done 3 that day!!  Will see if I can get fixed this afternoon, if my nose blowing, spitting and cough settle down some. 

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