Sunday, February 10, 2019

Crochet Project Update (C2C JAYG)

This project is coming along pretty good.  Today was not real productive however, did 9 squares but took out and redid 3, so a net gain of 6 squares.  Had to take one out due to color placement, was holding project at a different angle than the chart, so followed the chart to the wrong column and row.  Another because of incorrect stitch sequence and the 3rd because I wanted this square with darker base color, from square 1 that I took out, just switched the yarn for these 2.

About 2/3rds through the second skein of the base color, which I have been real pleased with the color changes.  At this point the color change for white is very long, UGH! worse than the first skein.  Looks like it may run for the rest of the skein.  Makes a person real unhappy.  May unwind the rest and rewind slicing so have a good color change, hate to do that but... Will look very closely at the reset of this skein and decide.

Have 2 more projects about the same size using this color for the base, hope the skeins come out better than these.

I typically don't bad mouth a yarn company's quality control, but what I have experienced  with the 3 skeins I am currently using manufacturing QC needs to improve. Granted these 2 base colored skeins are not from the same dye lot, but I have NEVER had a dye lot change nor within the same skein like I am seeing with the second skein, and I have used a lot of skeins in the 60 some years I have crocheted and knitted.

But, I am not going to get real upset over it, I'll find a way to work around so the project looks good,  But will be looking at the labels closely and be sure I don't use yarn from the same plant again (if I can identify it).  Usually each plant will have an identifier for internal use mainly, but industry QC checks also.  I have done this with "No Dye Lot" yarn that the same color was very different, a white and an off white when both should have been white.

Come to think of it:  When you purchase NO DYE LOT yarn find another identifier (date/time; another number, something that will help you determine if you can be reasonably certain the skeins are from the same facility as well as probably same dye lot (batch).  Also, look at the yarn very closely, but lights in stores can hid obvious color differences when looked at elsewhere.  What happened to me with my "white yarn" issue.

Crochet On!!!

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