Thursday, October 4, 2018

New Crocheted Scarf

My niece has picked the stitch she would like for the second scarf out of about 9 or 10 I sent for first idea round.  Glad about that!! as takes awhile to model each stitch not to mention finding a suitable one and weeding out some.  Stitch is one I picked off a pattern several years ago so had to change a couple of things for it to work in this format.....

Started it this morning, got the initial chain and first row done.  Boy, seemed like it took a long time to get it.  Actually, it did about twice as long as rows after it.

Has anyone else noticed that the first pattern row in a chain foundation takes longer simply because of making sure the chain doesn't twist and the stitches get in the correct chain?

Anyway, using H hook and Mandala Bebe Wishing Well for the scarf.  Will do some color changes to get the effect I want, but that's ok.

Plan on posting most of the stitches I modeled in a day or so.

Crochet On!

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