Friday, October 12, 2018

Second Scarf Update

I have really had crocheting problems lately!  Making bad or skipping stitches resulting in frogging some of my work, so not as far or done with the second scarf as I should be.  Think it may be over with as didn't have problems the last 2 days, so a little over half done now.  Picture is just under half done, it doesn't show the colors very well, next one I'll get the colors to show like they should.

Going up to half with brown, white and blues, then a dark blue/black for center, then down blues, white, brown,  It'll end up being an infinity when done.  Using Mandala Bebe Wishing Well and H hook.

Did get a mop pad completed and another started (one will be for my niece and the other for my sister) through all my crochet problems.  Work on the scarf early in the morning before I have to do some other stuff and then the mop pad covers late in the afternoon when I have some time.

Crochet On!

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