Sunday, November 25, 2018

Crocheted Crown Earwarmers

Finished beading the crown er warmers this morning, final block drying now.  Beading took about 3 hours including all the finish work.  Placed beads and tied, then wove in thread ends.  The Pink has clear beads, subtle for the 7 year old.  The Sparkle White has red beads on the top round and different colors on the second round, bright for 1 year old.

Getting ready to cost these out to establish a sale price for any I sell.  Definitely will be more than 3 times the cost of materials which very roughly would be an average of  about $3.20.  I'm thinking more like $10 with 1 row of beads and $15 with 2 rows of beads.  But, need to check retail cost of ear warmers and handmade costs to keep in an appropriate range.  Will be setting up a spreadsheet and discussing in the resource page in a day or so.  This will be the start of a good cost of materials calculation.

Anyway here are the completed Cross Stitch Crown Ear Warmer (pink) and Puff Stitch Crown Ear Warmer (white sparkle).

Crochet On!

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