Friday, November 2, 2018

Crocheting Crocheting and more Crocheting

Been crocheting like crazy the last couple of weeks, but not getting much done, steems like my hands just were cooperating with me! Struggled to get Mom's mop cover finished, finally did need to try on my daughter's Swiffer mop.  No picture, yet.

Made another set of towel toppers for my daughter's birthday, today.  Finished this morning, struggled all the way on both.  No picture, yet.

Pictures tomorrow for both.

Decided not to start the next set of towel toppers for a few days.  Another project, a friend's daughter is having a baby in the spring, baby blanket to get ready.  Have a lot of time, but want to get a plan started anyway.  Along those lines I crocheted 6 inch blocks of diagonal block and diagonal shell to get a good idea of yarn quantity I'll need.  Both squares use about the same amount of yarn, I think, need to measure to be sure, however.  Will post results when I do that, again tomorrow.

Getting Birthday cake ready and presents wrapped now.  Taking her out to dinner.  So have several things to finish up this afternoon.  Getting started as soon as I post this.  Hope everyone has had an easier time crocheting lately than me.

Crochet On!

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