Sunday, December 30, 2018

Crochet Towel Tppers

Well guy, the "Kitchen Towel Fairy" visited me the other evening and dropped of 2 towels for towel toppers!  Not starting them until 2019 though.  Going to use Emerald Green for the first set, haven't decided for the second set.  My daughter is a big butterfly fan, so understand these.  Fudge Towel Topper getting used again.  Fudge Towel Topper.

I will be getting my Raverly store going in earnest in a few days, got side tracked with severe cold and trying to keep it from turning into phenomena the last few days.  So, haven't booted my machine with all my patterns on it.  Did get one pattern posted -- Plummy Spirit Gift Bag - 0.99 cents.  This is a quick easy gift bag that will easily fit a 750 ml bottle and stretches for slightly bigger.  Great to dress up a bottle of wine or spirits for a New Years Party!!!!   Plummy Spirit Gift Bag.    
Photo not available, moved it off this machine.  Sorry.  Check it out.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Crochet Year End/New Year

I hope everyone had a good holiday.  We certainly did here!  Delicious turkey dinner with plenty of leftovers for today.  Turkey bones boiling to get any meat off them for another meal,

Winding down 2018 this week, and getting ready for 2019.  Seems like yesterday I was getting ready for 2018, time flew by.

Crocheting on the baby afghan now, only have been doing a row here and there for a couple of weeks so now will work on it daily.  About half done at this time.  Have taken an updated picture from when I posted about it the first time.

Also, finishing some graphs for projects that I cannot discuss nor show images of.  But will be doing in a Join As You Go C2C technique.

Other than that nothing on my hooks, so will take some time an write a couple of patterns.

Will be opening a store on Raverly soon as Craftsy is closing me down on the 28th.  Any patterns you have in your Craftsy library will continue to be available.  Received an email just before the holiday about it.  No explanation as to why, but probably because I haven't published  a pattern for awhile.

I will, definitely, let you know when I open on Raverly.  Had been thinking about this anyway, so just need to pursue at this time.

Crochet On

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Crocheted Towel Toppers and Scarf

Hooks have been busy finished my daughter's towel toppers.  Pleased with how they turned out.  Used my "Fudge Towel Topper" pattern once again.  Works up quickly and looks great. Fudge Towel Topper .  Daughter really likes them for the Holiday season.

 Last minute gift needed for a teenage girl so crocheted a scarf, just finished and have it hanging to loosen stitches.  Hopefully won't have much or any blocking to do after it dries. No pattern just double crochet shell, chain and single crochet with a double crochet rice stitch edging.  About 305 yards, about 53 X 6.5 inches ( a little shorter than I wanted but still a good size.)  Infinity technique used joined (hdc), turned rounds.  Need to take some time and get several patterns written after Christmas.  

Happy Holidays.

Crochet On.


Friday, December 14, 2018

Crochet - Christmas

What a month!  Seems like the days are flying by and I'm not getting anything done, which is not true but feels like it.  My crochet time is still limited and some days non-existent due to other responsibilities.  Have made some progress on the baby afghan that needs to be done by April for the May baby, but have kitchen towel toppers on my hook now, they'll be finished in a day or so. Using my "Fudge Towel Topper" pattern available on my Craftsy store at or on the pattern page of this site.  Nice thing about this pattern is it is easy to adjust to get the neck the size you want, is basic stitches and goes quickly.  Try it the next time you want to do a towel topper.

Need a 48 hour day right now, to get everything done I want to get done.   Lost my cost spreadsheet didn't save and lost power so need to start over, almost have the bigger project chart finalized.  Using Excel On-line which is very frustrating as it saves automatically real often so stops what you are doing and saves stuff you don't necessarily want saved (a try and see), haven't found a way to turn that off.  Should have done it on my big machine that has the MS Office Suite on it.  Copy and paste works except for format so not an option to move to the big machine.  Oh, well live and learn.

Did get most of my Christmas shopping done, just have 4 small things to get (lottery scratch its - 5 for each person) and the Holiday dinners.  The Holiday dinners are easy also  just make my list and go shopping when the Holiday sales are out, looks like next week, Wednesday, which is good as that's when I wanted to get the bird to thaw.

Know I posted the baby afghan before but haven't taken a recent picture so posting again.  Right now it is a little over 1/4 done and is looking real good.  Certainly glad I have until April to get it done though.

Have a great weekend.  Only 10 more days until Christmas!  End of year closing in on us fast to only 17 days of 2018 left.   Back to work...

Crochet On.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Crocheting Update

It's been a few days since I've posted so am updating my activities and tasks.  Decided what to do about the Baby Afghan, it's a double strand (#3) using diagonal block (C2C) technique.  I'll make it in one section instead of separate small squares.  Am about 1/4 done as of this morning,  Picture from a day ago.  Multi-color and a white/blue yarns.  Hopefully uni-sex as sex remains unknown and wanted to get the afghan finished so I can move on.  And I'll be splitting my crochet time between projects.

Started plotting another possible project on graph paper this morning also.  Have some changes to make on this -- a geometric pattern.  This will be a Join as You Go using C2C technique.  Will keep you posted.

Was going to do some Christmas decorations but have decided not to.  Need to start earlier for them.
Next year.
Crochet On!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Crocheted Beanie

I crocheted a beanie for brother of the pink crown recipient.  Very easy.  2 rows of extended single crochet (right side) 2 rows single crochet (wrong side).   But a ribbing on the bottom, no pom-pom on this one. 

The top image is the right side and bottom wrong side.  They both look nice and the boy can pick his right and wrong side.  Like it when a project comes out versatile like this.  Especially for a child.

Now onward and upward.  Started the baby afghan this morning, I think.  Will decide if I like my idea in the morning before going forward.  Small C2C squares -- about 1.5 inches (I think), it'll take 9 squares to make the larger square and right now 441 squares for the entire afghan.  Using join as you go so assembly is done, will weave in ends with each large square completed.  But, not a rush as have until April to finish as baby is due in May (we think).

Know I'll have some Christmas stuff to do in the next couple of weeks, but not any large scale items as not crocheting Christmas gifts this year --have crocheted and given to family all year.  So what I'm going to do in that department is up in the air.  Better decide soon, I guess.

Until next time --

Crochet On!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Crocheted Crown Earwarmers

Finished beading the crown er warmers this morning, final block drying now.  Beading took about 3 hours including all the finish work.  Placed beads and tied, then wove in thread ends.  The Pink has clear beads, subtle for the 7 year old.  The Sparkle White has red beads on the top round and different colors on the second round, bright for 1 year old.

Getting ready to cost these out to establish a sale price for any I sell.  Definitely will be more than 3 times the cost of materials which very roughly would be an average of  about $3.20.  I'm thinking more like $10 with 1 row of beads and $15 with 2 rows of beads.  But, need to check retail cost of ear warmers and handmade costs to keep in an appropriate range.  Will be setting up a spreadsheet and discussing in the resource page in a day or so.  This will be the start of a good cost of materials calculation.

Anyway here are the completed Cross Stitch Crown Ear Warmer (pink) and Puff Stitch Crown Ear Warmer (white sparkle).

Crochet On!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Crocheted Crown Ear Warmers

I hope everyone had a good Holiday and are getting ready for the next.  Seems like we just had these holidays yesterday.  Anyway saw a crown ear warmer and had a couple of girls that would like one, 7 and 1.  Below is my rendition of it.  The pink for the 7 year old, RHSS, 4, I hook, the sparkle white for the 1 year old, RH, sparkle, H and G hooks.  Both will have beads, the pink one at the bottom of each peak and the sparkle will have one at the bottom of each peak and one between the edging and peaks.  The top bead will be the same color for all the peaks, the second row on the sparkle will be different colors.  Next task is to pick my bead colors, and get them attached (haven't decided on how I want to do that yet). 

 The main part of the center is different on each, the pink is a crossed half double crochet, sc, then crossed half double crochet on wrong side, the sparkle white is sc, then modified single crochet puff stitch, then sc. 

Have a great weekend and Crochet On!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Second leg Warmer Finished!!!

Finished the second leg warmer this morning -- have to finish them and do edging -- the main parts are done. 

Used the same yarn (Mandala Wood Nymph #3) but changed hook size to a G as I wanted to see the difference.  H hook with solid blocks for all squares (2x3 using 6 blocks) about 7 x 10 1/2 inches, used about 90 yards (15 yards per square); G Hook with 4 squares half solid and half shell then a rectangle about 6 1/2 x 10 inches and used about 80 yards (14 yards per square and 1 rectangle instead of 2 squares).  Now I can plan larger projects using this technique (diagonal block - C2C) whether I do as a one piece project or many piece project!  Hopefully, will give you a base to work with also.

{Please excuse my lines, haven't used this much}

4 squares making a larger square on the right (green line), rectangle on the left side (blue line).  Square blocks are 5 solid blocks (slip stitch, ch 3, 3 dc in space indicated), then 6 shell blocks (slip stitch, ch 3, dc, ch 1, dc in space indicated).  Rectangle solid blocks on out side edge, shells inside). A yarn with shorter color changes (next projects) will work real nicely.  We'll see within a week or so.

Above is a picture of the 2 leg warmers, the lower and left edges are even so I could show the hook size difference easily.  Notice the H hook is about a half inch larger on the top and left edge, so roughly a quarter inch larger all the way around, with the only real difference being the hook size.

Hope I have given you some useful information to use for your C2C (diagonal block) projects.

I did want to mention and thank Patchwork Heart for the JAYG (join as you go) technique to get me started.

Crochet On!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Leg Warmer Update

Have 1 done. Used JAYG C2C technique.  Like it real well and easy after you do a couple of squares. Started the other and throwing in some shells with the blocks, will update it with a pic tut ure soon. Below is the first one.  On hold for a day or 2 as have a towel topper set to do.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Leg Warmers

The time has come o get my leg warmers made!! Temps down into the 30's the last few nights and warming up to 50-60.  So, that has come my priority at this time.

Nothing fancy for me, use my leg warmers to try stitches or techniques or both.  Decided to try Join As You Go C2C technique because want to use it on some of my larger projects that I have to get started on if I decide to do a C2C for one or all.  Know will be doing that for the baby blanket later.

I'll share what I find out about doing this technique.  Have looked at 2 patterns basically the same tried one technique this morning (from memory of a brief  read/watch) worked okay but was not really correct because my stitches were going the wrong way, right/wrong side okay however.  Took it out and will regroup in the morning.  To be truthful the appearance was hardly if at all noticeable to a lay eye, I didn't notice until I had it done and went to get a cup of coffee, came back, YUP going the wrong way. 

Will update probably Sunday as I have to go shopping tomorrow.

Crochet On

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Project - Crochet Diagonal (C2C) Stitch Ideas

Was thinking about a stitch that would be good for my leg warmers (need some new ones) and decided on a stitch I've used in the past and it makes a nice warm stitch.  I don't know the name but simple sc/dc across then sc/dc in sc's across.  But then I needed to see if I could do in a diagonal using the C2C technique so last couple of days have worked on that.  I am getting very very close.  As I was working through this idea decided I needed to add a simple V stitch so put some of those in.  May end up with 2 diagonal stitches before long.

This is where I am.  Need to finalize my increasing and decreasing did them both a couple of different ways but think that will go smoothly now.  Then work through changes for the V stitch which will not be difficult as have a couple of increase rows done,

Here is my prototype.

Comments are more than welcome.

Crochet On

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Fenced Triangles Scarf

Just not my day to write this pattern in Word or Docs, getting too much "help".  Will put in Word tomorrow or later this afternoon. Named this scarf Fenced Triangles.  Very easy with 2 row repeat.
I changed colors to get 2 sides and a middle.  1/2 inch brown/tan, 1/2 inch white. 1.5 inches blues, 1/2 inch dark blue, then reversed the sequence. Edging in tan.

Fenced Triangle Scarf

I use a hook one size larger than pattern hook for beginning chain.

You'll need:
US Terminology
H/5 mm and I/5.5 mm hook
Stitch Marker
Tapestry Needle

As Pictured: About 445 yards of Lion Brand Mandala Wishing Well #3.

Pattern Notes:

To adjust for length:  Multiple of 4 plus 2.
DC Cluster:  Yarn over, insert hook where indicated, yo pull up loop, yo pull through 2 loops on hook, yo, insert hook where indicated, yo pull up loop, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, yo, pull through rest of loops on hook


1.  I Hook, chain 262; H hook: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, *ch 2, sk 1, dc cluster in next, ch 2, sk 1, sc in next* repeat across. (end with sc).  Turn.

2.  Ch 5 (counts as dc, ch 2), sc in top of cluster, *ch 5, sc in top of next cluster* repeat across, end with ch 2, dc in last sc.  Turn.

3.  Ch 3(sc, ch 2), *dc cluster in next sc, ch 2, sc in ch 5 loop, ch 2* repeat across, end with sc in 3rd ch of beg ch 5 of row 2. Turn.

4.  Ch 5 (counts as dc, ch 2), sc in top of cluster, *ch 5, sc in top of next cluster* repeat across, end with ch 2, dc in 3rd ch of beginning ch 3 of row 3.  Turn.

Repeat 3 and 4 for desired width. [mine was a total of 17 pattern rows]

End with row 3.

Stitch ends together for infinity scarf.

Edging:  Half double crochet rice stitch.

Join tan with sc in loop, *ch 2, hdc in sc just made, sk sc or dc cluster, sc in next loop,* repeat around join in beginning sc.  Repeat on other side.

Weave in all ends.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Crocheting Project Finished

As I mentioned yesterday I would post a picture of Mom's mop cover (haven't been able to get it tried on yet-hopefully soon.

It is exactly the same as others except the top opening is about an inch wider.  This is where I am concerned about the fit.  We've had company and chaos all day so has been impossible to try on my daughter's Swiffer mop. 

I started calling it a "mop cover" because I happened to think I was infringing on copyright/trademark of Swiffer ownership!

Below are the towel toppers I struggled with most of last week,  Pretty pleased with how they finally turned out.  My daughter loves them and hung 'em up immediately.  Brings joy to a person.

Decided to model a mitered granny square to see if it is a possibility for one of my larger projects.  Found instructions (pattern) but will definitely need to change some of it.  Don't like chain 3 corners and chain 6 to form the beginning ring, Will play with it tomorrow morning.

Hope everyone is having a grand first Saturday of November and don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour.

Crochet On!!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Crocheting Crocheting and more Crocheting

Been crocheting like crazy the last couple of weeks, but not getting much done, steems like my hands just were cooperating with me! Struggled to get Mom's mop cover finished, finally did need to try on my daughter's Swiffer mop.  No picture, yet.

Made another set of towel toppers for my daughter's birthday, today.  Finished this morning, struggled all the way on both.  No picture, yet.

Pictures tomorrow for both.

Decided not to start the next set of towel toppers for a few days.  Another project, a friend's daughter is having a baby in the spring, baby blanket to get ready.  Have a lot of time, but want to get a plan started anyway.  Along those lines I crocheted 6 inch blocks of diagonal block and diagonal shell to get a good idea of yarn quantity I'll need.  Both squares use about the same amount of yarn, I think, need to measure to be sure, however.  Will post results when I do that, again tomorrow.

Getting Birthday cake ready and presents wrapped now.  Taking her out to dinner.  So have several things to finish up this afternoon.  Getting started as soon as I post this.  Hope everyone has had an easier time crocheting lately than me.

Crochet On!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Crocheted Towel Toppers & Update

A quick mention about my crochet nose warmers.  Gave to the kids below are pictures of 2 of them.  If you make some, be sure your ear loops are directly across from each other.  The little boy's I missed by 1 stitch and didn't get eyes right so it's a little slanted.  The little girl's face is small so a 1.5" circle would have been better. Both liked them just the way they are.

Was going through some of my yarn looking for a color to use on a towel topper my daughter wants done.  Found 2 towels that I have had for a few years, think from when I was real medicated up, did toppers for them.  For those of you who have used my "Fudge Towel Topper" pattern (found on my Craftsy store:  I changed rows 19 through 21 to half double crochet, makes the neck a bit shorter (not much) but hoping it'll look better after lots of use (stretch wise anyway) remains to be seen.  The neck looks and is shorter in the pictures below.

Started a mop cover for Mom, making some pattern modifications so it'll be easier for her to get on but still have a nice fit.  Hope this time (have done 6 variations in the last few days) I can get it like I want.  If so, it'll become "The" pattern for all future ones.  The current version fits real good but has to be stretched some to get on especially acrylic yarn sticking to the Velcro.  Going to make her one out of cotton, also which you have to stretch some but it doesn't stick to the Velcro.  My daughter says it fits good but slides a little when wet and mopping.  Mom's 94 that's why I'm making some minor changes, 

I've rattled enough.  What's everyone working on?

Crochet On! 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Crocheted Nose Warmer Pattern


Took some measurements this morning of my nose warmers and decided to share the pattern for those who would like it.  This is my personal copyrighted pattern so you may use it to make items for personal use or to sell but Do NOT copy sell the pattern.  I used my water balloon pattern with some modifications.

At this time it is not in PDF form, that'll be a bit later but sharing here.  Henry and Lucy are the larger sizes (top 2), the other 3 are children sizes. Both have the same ear loop length.


  • Small amount of worsted weight (4) yarn -- about 5 or 6 yards.
  • H hook
  • Wiggly eyes - optional use buttons, beads whatever you'd like or nothing
  • Shirt buttons - optional or use what you'd like or nothing
  • Glue
  • Needle and thread
To adjust for different size yarn/hook:

  • Adult or large size make the circle about 2 1/2 inches
  • Kid or smaller size make the circle about 2 inches
  • Make the ear loop chain about 10 or 11 inches

Use a hook smaller than you normally would or the yarn calls for, I went down 1 size

Beginning chain counts as single crochet throughout unless otherwise stated.
Worked in joined unturned rounds, work in unjoined if your prefer.
For different yarn/hook size adjust circle as needed.  


1. Ch 2, 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join .  (6 sc)
2. Ch 1 (counts as sc), sc in same stitch, 2 sc in each sc around, join. (12 sc)
3. Ch 1, sc in same stitch, *sc in next, 2 sc in next* repeat around, join (18 sc)
4. Ch 1, sc in same stitch, *sc in next 2, 2 sc in next* repeat around, join (24 sc) (~2")

For small size skip to round 6, otherwise:

5. Ch 1, sc in same stitch, *sc in next 3, 2 sc in next* repeat around, join (30 sc) (~2.5")
6. Ch 50 (~10-11") being careful not to twist, sl st in same stitch as beginning.  Sl st in the sc around to opposite side (I fold in half for alignment), ch 50, sl st in same stitch, sl st around to beginning.

Fasten Off.  Weave in Ends.  Sew button in center of circle, glue eyes on.  Let dry.

Enjoy, have fun with this and Crochet On!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Saw a post about crocheted nose warmers yesterday, so thought I'd use my water balloon pattern as a base and make one for the heck of it.  My grandson's girlfriend and her 8 year old cousin were here for a couple of hours and the little girl agreed to "try" the nose warmer on for "Kid" fit.  Because she did so and was so willing asked if she'd like one, she nodded yes.  Began my nose warmer gag idea for my niece and her husband to send with scarves and Swiffer mop cover, and kids that are here frequently (6 and 8).

Meet Henry, Lucy, Tom, Sally and Sam Nosewarmer (family).  LOL!!!!!

I picked the different size wiggly eyes on purpose, glued on.  Then decided they needed a nose so sewed a button on.  Not putting mouth on them.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Second Scarf Completed -- Real Nice Crochet Stitch!!!

Finished the edging yesterday, dampened and hung to let stitches fallout.  Finishing the blocking today, very little to do.  Very pleased with how it turned out. 

The stitch looks real nice both horizontally and vertically so no matter how the recipient wears it it will look good.  Makes this stitch pattern a great one for a scarf.

Have a bunch of crocheting I need to get done before month end, but hope to get this pattern written within the week.

Comments welcome.

Crochet On!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Second Scarf Update

Took this picture yesterday, the body and one side of edging done.  Left overnight to decide whether this was going to be the One, had done 2 other ideas that I ended up not caring for with this stitch pattern.  Decided this was what I wanted earlier today, and finished the edging.  So down to finish work.  Will post again when it is completely finished and ready to send to my niece.

This is Mandala Baby Wishing Well, with my color changes when I wanted them to get this combination.  H hook. 

Got the stitch from a pattern, counted for multiples, etc. then did a bit of changing to get the scarf like I wanted.  

Measures about 6.5 inches wide (with edging), 31 inches folded in half (62 long is not infinity), took about 400 yards!.

More Later:

Crochet On!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Can You Believe....

we are in October already!  Fall is here, winter soon,  Holiday Season -- Time to think and start gifts and such.  JRuBee Design has Leg Warmer Patterns and other patterns on Craftsy at:

There are 3 Spiral Leg Warmer:  Large, Medium and Small, each come with altering information so they can easily be customized to the size you'd like. There are 3 double thick patterns, thermal and cables, a half double crochet and double crochet herringbone patterns.  All include adjusting information

JRuBee Design on Craftsy has 23 fun patterns for you to work with,  Stop By and Check them out>

Friday, October 12, 2018

Second Scarf Update

I have really had crocheting problems lately!  Making bad or skipping stitches resulting in frogging some of my work, so not as far or done with the second scarf as I should be.  Think it may be over with as didn't have problems the last 2 days, so a little over half done now.  Picture is just under half done, it doesn't show the colors very well, next one I'll get the colors to show like they should.

Going up to half with brown, white and blues, then a dark blue/black for center, then down blues, white, brown,  It'll end up being an infinity when done.  Using Mandala Bebe Wishing Well and H hook.

Did get a mop pad completed and another started (one will be for my niece and the other for my sister) through all my crochet problems.  Work on the scarf early in the morning before I have to do some other stuff and then the mop pad covers late in the afternoon when I have some time.

Crochet On!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Crocheting Away

Have started the new scarf about 4 rows done.  With my limited crocheting time, it is taking a bit, but will progress rather quickly now that I have I the pattern finalized and know my color sequence for artificial changes.  Mandala has nice colorway for larger projects, but when you want to get the full cake's color spectrum in a small item artificial changes are necessary.  Will post a picture in a few days,

Some cooler weather the last couple of days, reminds me I need a new pair of leg warmers soon. Have the yarn, Mandala Wood Nymph just need to decide on the stitch and get them made.  Could be a bit later in October though,  The scarf, towel toppers (4 after cutting towels) and a Swiffer mop cover need to be done first.

Cloudy with some much needed rain showers yesterday and today,  The showers have been intermittent and just right for the ground to soak up the moisture without it running off.  CHEERS!!
Much, Much, Much more needed, however. Hoping for a cool, wet fall and winter this year.

Happy Saturday and Crochet On!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

New Crocheted Scarf

My niece has picked the stitch she would like for the second scarf out of about 9 or 10 I sent for first idea round.  Glad about that!! as takes awhile to model each stitch not to mention finding a suitable one and weeding out some.  Stitch is one I picked off a pattern several years ago so had to change a couple of things for it to work in this format.....

Started it this morning, got the initial chain and first row done.  Boy, seemed like it took a long time to get it.  Actually, it did about twice as long as rows after it.

Has anyone else noticed that the first pattern row in a chain foundation takes longer simply because of making sure the chain doesn't twist and the stitches get in the correct chain?

Anyway, using H hook and Mandala Bebe Wishing Well for the scarf.  Will do some color changes to get the effect I want, but that's ok.

Plan on posting most of the stitches I modeled in a day or so.

Crochet On!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Up Dates - Crocheted Slippers; Queen Anne's Scarf

JRuBee Design has been busy finishing projects.

Crocheted Adult Slippers has been completed and non-skid on soles drying!  Yea.  Probably the first and last as working with all the sole layers to put on the upper really took a toll on my hands.  They just aren't as nibble as they were 30 years ago.  Pleased with how they turned out.  Daughter is too, which makes it nice since they are for her.

Adult Slippers:  Red Heart Super Saver - Latte and Reef

Contracted with my niece for 2 scarfs - decorative and regular.  She chose the Queen Anne's Lace for the decorative one.  Mandala Bebe Unicorn yarn, but made color changes where I wanted!  Have blocking to do, hanging right now to let stitches fallout a bit.  Pleased with how it turned out, also.
More importantly so is my niece!

Hope to start the other scarf for her in a day or so.  Will be getting her some ideas to choose from this afternoon or in the morning.  

Limited crochet time makes progress slow, however.

Happy Friday and Crochet On

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Flawless Yarn Join

Happy Saturday!

While looking at posts in the group "Nothing But Crochet" I saw one regarding Lavender Chair's Flawless Yarn Join. 

This appears to be a reliable join (yarn doesn't come part), very neat and easy.  I haven't tried it yet but intend to very soon.  There are written instructions and a video for the joining method.

Here is the link:  if you are interested.

Crochet On!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Laptop Sleeve and Slipper

Boy, time has flown by.  Busy modeling ideas for a scarf my niece wants for a Christmas gift, as well as finishing my laptop sleeve and daughter's slipper.  Also made another mop cover and finalized my pattern have 2 of these to do before long.   Will work on scarf for my niece and do my daughter's other slipper, then mop covers.  One goes to my niece so will mail with scarf.

Slipper picture below.  Am real pleased with how it turned out,  The second one will go much faster as have the pattern written so won't be taking out and redoing, measuring to fit, etc. 

Laptop sleeve picture below, put a front flap with buttonhole so can put a button on it, I won't but have it written in the pattern for future reference.

My crocheting time is limited right now so takes me longer to get a project done.  Don't expect that to change in the near future,  

Crochet On!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

JRuBee Design Has Been Busy!

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Mine was great!  Started on Friday and ran through Monday (Labor Day in the U. S.).

My brother (Arizona), niece (Wyoming), brother (Portland, OR area), and Mom came down for the family fallish gathering.

My niece texted me a few days before that an afghan I had done for her 12/14 years ago had a hole (probably mouse) and wanted to know if I could fix it.  I told her yes, but to send picture, which she did. I didn't remember the pattern or yarn colors for it as crocheted it in the year of the afghans (I did 8 in less than 8 months while working 75-80 hours a week).  Remembered the yarn and looked for some scraps (I had used the same colors for different projects a couple of years ago with the exception of the solid which had from the original). Got it Friday, but didn't get to work on it until early Saturday morning (2:30 am) because of the "party".  Fixed the hole, and found a couple of other place the mouse had started on as well as a few from wear and tear.  The afghan has been well used over the years to the point of being about worn out!  Makes up for all those that don't appreciate crocheted gifts for sure.

Gave Mom her shawl which she really liked too.  Again makes one happy to do for someone who appreciates it.  Mom turned 94 in August so time with her is precious.

A nephew here bought a 3-wheel motorcycle and wanted to give Mom a ride.  She was very reluctant, but did get a ride for a very short distance.  What fun for everyone. 

All in all it was a fun time.  My niece mentioned she would like me to crochet some gifts for her and asked when I needed to know, I said yesterday, so she'll get them to me in a day or so, she flew back to Wyoming Monday and was going to start a list.  And, she wants a new afghan and a swiffer pad.  So, will be busy with her and my projects as well as my sister who asked for a swiffer pad.  The swiffer pads don't take long.  Started working on my daughter's slipper top this morning, should have one done tomorrow, then finish a swiffer pad and mail to niece, make one for sister and finish laptop sleeve.  Hopefully by this time next week.

Picture of the afghan before and after:  Colors are RHSS Monet, Ocean and Country Rose.  You can see the use in the after pretty good.  Crochet On!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Crocheted slipper update

I know it has been a few days since I posted last about this.  Got as far as the last post, then my daughter slipped and sprained her ankle so her ankle and foot have been swollen for a few days.  She was finally able to try it on.  Good news is the back opening is okay, the Bad news is I don't like how the sides are particularly around the toe area.  Thinking about taking it out and redoing with a J hook instead of an I, believe it'll be better.  Also considering using 2 strands as I have noticed the multi-colored yarn is a different texture and size (even though same weight) than the solid -- which I used for the prototype.  Has anyone else noticed this with the RHSS multi-color yarns?

Back at it tomorrow, 

In the meantime >>>>>

Had some yarn I'd gotten to try and do the pooling effect.  Tried and could do it, but then decided I didn't want that for a new small laptop sleeve, took it out and decided to see what the "Moss, Linen, Woven, and any other names for it" would look like.  Did 2 horizontal ones, with a G hook which I liked really well but thought I would be short before I achieved the size I wanted, so froggy time, then an H which I liked also, but then thought I would try it in a diagonal format -- which I hadn't done before but had pickup from the internet somewhere and put in "To try" file.  Froggy time again!

Like the diagonal look so am moving along with it. So you can see what the differences are the photo is a picture of each,

Crochet On!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Crocheted Slipper Update

Did the sides yesterday, pretty happy with how it turned out.  Let sit overnight to review this morning and don't see anything I want to change at this point.  Have decided to fasten off and attach at the starting point of the top.  Was thinking about slip stitching to starting point, but decided it would be a cleaner finish if I fastened off and started again.  Have commitments that will take most of the day so will not work on it at all today.  Have all day to change my mind!

Let me know what you think.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Third Sole Update

I got the three soles tied together yesterday.  Used a simple over/under weave around posts of stitches, then moved in 2 rounds and another set of over/under weave and lastly moved into center and then a line up the beginning chain area.  So they are tied together good.  These three rows made the sole more solid also.  Am pleased with the outcome and started the upper part this morning, letting it sit overnight for review in the morning as not certain I have it like I want for row 2. 

Comments are welcome!

What I did this morning that I like real well, is a round of slip stitches through both loops using the main sole color (brown), the row I'm not sure about will be the main upper color - the multi-color soles above.  My daughter wanted open heel slippers so am testing stitches to get a slopping start, right now have slip stitch, 2 single crochet, then half double crochet in back loops (bottom of sole facing) of slip stitch.  Looks okay, but letting it cook until tomorrow before moving on.

Crochet On!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The "Third" Sole

Crocheted a small piece for my daughter to pick from for the 3rd sole of her slippers with the multi-color yarn.

I was right yesterday 1 strand is going to take some count adjustments, the solid piece I did had a longer starting chain than the pattern for double strand so was close to size.

Will be doing the multi-color for the third sole, sandwiched between the double strand soles.  Will take a bit of pattern writing but don't anticipate a lot of that, we'll see in the morning!

The picture below show the 2 ideas, one on top is the third sole in solid color, one on bottom third sole in multi-color.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Real Thing - Soles

Sometime during the night while I was sleeping my mind decided I needed to put a single strand sole between the double strand soles for a bit more support.  Woke up with this on my mind but did finish the last double strand sole and pinned soles together getting ready to tie in place.  Then decided I needed to model the single strand and see how it looked and whether it made the sole too stiff.  Ok, so that was an all stop.

Think the reason this came up in my mind is my prototype yarn I had purchased several years ago and the spin is much tighter and stiffer than the yarn I just purchased.  I have noticed this is in most brands I have worked with,  Makes the yarn softer but projects are not as stiff.

Anyway,  after finishing the 4th double strand sole did a 3 round single strand piece to see what it would look like sandwiched between the others and what if any additional support and stiffness.  All okay, and using J hook with the single strand am getting the same measurement as the double strand which doesn't compute in my mind so put up for the day and will review in the morning besides may use the upper multi-color for the single strand sole.  

Hope everyone is having a good and safe weekend.

Crochet On!

Friday, August 10, 2018

Crocheted Slippers - The Real Thing

Started crocheting the soles for my daughter's "real" slippers.  Did have a bit of pattern rewriting to do from the prototype, mainly due to erasing and writing over or making numbers that looked like a different number.  But have both right and left rewrite done and 3 of the soles completed with the fourth one round away, had to stop for another task.  Will finish it and put them together tomorrow.  Post picture also.

Was thinking about doing the first round to stitch the double sole using a post stitch but have decided that won't work as it will stretch each dual sole about 3/4 to an inch and I don;t have that much excess given the wear stretch.  Each stitch would need the width of the yarn which I think is 1/8th which adds up rather quickly to increased size.  Don't have the exact measurement of the yarn width right now, but sort of recall 1/8 for 4 -worsted weight from before.

Have been thinking about what to use for non-skid bottoms.  After posting an inquiry in one of the groups I belong to think I'm going to try some fabric glue I have on the prototype as had several comments about hot glue gun and jogger glue, puff paint, as well as I know bathroom silicone sealant has been used.  Given the "glue" mentions going to try the fabric glue.  There were several responses regarding using jute and flip flop soles neither were suitable for me this time anyway.

If you have any comments or thought please share regarding non-skid solutions using yarn for the sole.

Going to get the fabric glue out and see if its waterproof, sure it is but will double check.  Slippers get worn outside and in Oregon there is rain!  Sure could use some now, NO Lighting Please, but rain would sure help with the wildfires.

Crochet On! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Crocheted Slipper Prototype

Prototype done. Wasn't as hard as I anticipated.  Moving on to the real thing
now.  Pretty sure rewriting will be necessary, but that's ok.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Slipper Progress

At the speed of a racing turtle (slightly faster than a racing snail) I have the slipper soles done, made a right and left.  Have attached two together and progressed to sides.  After several tries and hook/stitch decisions have them done.  Will start working on toe tomorrow.  Hope to have the prototype done in a couple of days so can start a "real" pair later this week.  Right now will have 2 sizes done, one that will fit me and one that will fit my daughter.  Details later

Have a great Sunday and Crochet On!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Slipper Sole Update

Added sides to the single strand sole, and fitted to my daughter's foot.  About 1/2 inch too big all the way around.  Took both soles completely out to start again.  Going to do the sole using chain and round method instead of rows.  Like it better and will be significantly easier to change sizing than the rows.  

Checking now to see if my idea of chain length will be in the ballpark  -- 4 inches shorter than the traced foot (2 each toe and heel) might make it a little shorter too.  J hook, double strand 4 yarn, am thinking 21 ch, with 20 working.  

Will do this tomorrow with 3 rounds on the chain using half double crochet, double crochet and single crochet stitches -- will figure out counts and sequence probably using a pattern(s) for a smaller size and adjusting to my daughter's size.

Will keep you posted.

Lost my "working" copy of my filet shawl, have no idea what I did, anyway have to start again for the pattern.  Certainly glad I keep a "master" when I do these so don't have to start entirely from scratch.  UGH!

Have a great day. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Crocheted Slipper for Daughter - new project.

My Crocheted Slipper Sole Prototype

I have recently watched a few YouTube crochet videos on different things most recently on slipper soles.  I use closed captioning because my headphones and/or earplugs aren't handy and now to get a few giggles along the way as I have, yet, to watch one without an error.  Haven't figured out how to crochet TROUBLE or SALMON yet, should have been Treble and Seven.  Have any of you experienced the same thing?

In my search for a sole that would fit, finally traced my daughter's feet on a piece of paper and used that to crochet the pink single strand sole above.  Then used both to crochet the multi-color double strand above.  The picture on the right would be how the soles go together.  But have decided to do 2 double strands for each sole, so will use the single strand for the prototype for the entire slipper concept.

The sides will be next, that should not be an issue I think.  Will periodically post progress here and/or on my Facebook Page:  JRuBee Design.  

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Towel Toppers and Environment Friendly Water Balloons, Hot off my Hooks.

My hooks have been real busy the last few days.  My daughter brought me 3 towels to make for her.  2 with roosters and one of the family/friends that I had just finished 6 of.  Got those done early yesterday morning.

Hot summer day fun with an environment friendly water balloon.  Hang to dry to use another day, wash and dry as needed. 

Then the other day, the kids were getting bored and restless because it was very hot and playing outdoors was minimal, my daughter ran across crocheted water balloons (I have seen them before) for sale in a group she belongs to.  Showed them to me and asked if I would make some.  Did one right away and tested the "hurt" factor on an 8 year old and my grandson, no worse then a water balloon was the response.  Proceeded to make 9 of them, as we counted and thought that would be enough. OOPS! forgot 1 kid so 3 more this morning for a total of 9.  Used Red Heart Super Saver #4 yarn and a K hook and 3 Red Heart Ombre #4 and K hook.  See the pattern below.  This can easily be adjusted for any size and yarn you want.  The "balloons" are about 2 1/2 inches in diameter, okay'd by grandsons as right size.  So 12 water balloons enough for 4 kids to play with.

Each balloon uses about 6 yards so a good way to get rid of small scraps! 

Hot summer day fun with an environment friendlwater balloon.  Hang to dry to use another day, wash and dry as needed. 

Although the blues look smaller in the photo, they are the same size, these are from the Ombre yarn.

The water balloons are 2 1/2 inches in diameter, made with Red Heart Super Saver and Ombre #4 yarn, about 6 yards each, and K hook. Sc rounds do not start with a ch 1.  How you make your circle is up to you, I turn this time, my preference. When you finish round 5 your circle should measure about 2 1/2 inches, use less rounds for a smaller balloon or more rounds for a larger balloon, of course different size yarn and hook will result in a different size balloon just adjust your increase rounds for the size you want the balloon to be.

1. Ch2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join with slst in first sc.  Turn, (6 sc)
2. 2 sc in each stitch around, join with slst in first sc,  Turn.         (12 sc)
3. Sc in first sc, 2 sc in next, repeat around join with slst in first sc.  Turn.  (18 sc)
4. Sc in first 2 sc, 2 sc in next, repeat around, join with slst in first sc.  Turn.  (24 sc)
5. Sc in first 2 sc, sc2toget over next 2 sc, repeat around, join with slst in first sc  Turn.  (18 sc)
6. Sc in first sc, 2 sc toget over next 2 sc, repeat around, join with slst in first sc.  Turn (12 sc)
7. 2 sc toget over next 2 sc repeat around, join with slst in first sc. (6 sc)
8. Ch2 (does not count), dc in each sc around join with slst in first dc (6 dc)
9. Sc2toget over 2 dc, repeat around (3 sc). 
Fasten Off, weave in ends.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Crocheted Swiffer Pad

I have finished my second crocheted Swiffer Pad.  Used the same stitch sequence as first and made some changes for the sides and top.  Continue to have an issue with ONE corner, the same corner as the first pad.  It is the beginning of a row/round but has same count etc. as other corners.  Operator error, probably tension related.

Again the stitch sequence was developed from several post stitch sequences I have used in the past, but am giving credit to Linda Permann's Reversible Swiffer Sock pattern for counts and measurements for the bottom.

I have better pattern notes this time and will work them into a pattern in a few weeks.

Used Peaches & Cream cotton for this one.  Be interesting to see how my daughter likes this as compared to the Red Heart Super Saver acrylic I used on the first one, which she liked real well.

Towel toppers my daughter wants now on hook.  Using my Fudge Towel Topper Pattern V2 found on my Craftsy store with 22 other patterns:   

or here: (Pattern Tab)

Fudge Towel Topper Version @

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Filet Shawl

Finished my Filet Shawl, blocking now.  Don't have a surface large enough to block all at once so have to do sections.  Expect blocking to take 2 or 3 days.  The image is of the unblocked item.  Pretty pleased with it overall, but a bit unhappy that the filet design (flower) isn't very observable, may improve with blocking but doubt it.

Measures about 21 inches long down center back, about 56 inches around neckline and about 96 inches across bottom.  These were not taken laid out so there is a error factor,  Final measurements  after blocking.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Filet Shawl Progress

My filet shawl body is done.  Working on edging, have not quite decided between a double crochet rice stitch or a half double crochet rice stitch will be doing single crochet instead of a slip stitch.
Basic stitch will be (sc in space, ch 2, hdc or dc in sc).  My daughter and grandsons like either.  In reality there is not a lot of difference - the dc gives a bit move distance to work with so will probably use it.  Will test on the real shawl in the morning. 

Committed to a white border when started the shawl and decided to put 2 rows in body.  Not sure I like the stark white in this colorway.  Seems kind of harsh to me, but that is my opinion as daughter and grandsons like it.  Might change my opinion after I get some done.  Will post a picture in the next day or 2.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Fudge Towel Topper Version2

Fudge Towel Topper version 2

Continues to be No Sew/Adjust as you go, changes include an alternative crochet hem, updated pattern instructions and size information.

Also posted in my Craftsy store at:  with 22 additional projects to try. 

Fudge Towel Topper Version 2